Management of the Project

Work Package Number: 
Work Package Type: 
Start (month number): 
End (month number): 
Duration (in months): 
Description of workpackage (Max. 2000 characters): 

The management of the JMScSE Project will be the basis of the overall success of all activities and will receive appropriate weight in terms of staff time. A Steering Group and a Management Committee will be formed at the start of the Project. On the Steering Group there will be the Grantholder, the Project Manager and representatives from all Consortium partners as well as some external stakeholders such as students, and employers’ representative. The Management Committee will consist of the Grantholder, the Project Manager and Project Coordinators and will deal with the day to day affairs of the Project.

The Kick-off Meeting will be used to generate a collective spirit about the JMScSE Project and its key objectives and time-scales. Project Administrators will be appointed in each country. They, in conjunction with the Contact Persons and Country Coordinators, will be responsible for the activities of the Project in EG and PS.

The most important element of the Management Workpackage is the financial administration of the Project. This is largely the duty of the Project Manager at BZU Institution. He would have to ensure the implementation of Tempus rules as well as the financial procedures of the University. At the Kick-off Meeting, the Project Manager and Grantholder will arrange a training day for all the local administrators and contact persons establishing administrative and financial procedures to be followed in this Project. Bank accounts will be opened in each partner country to facilitate the transactions of the Project.

The Management WP will also involve the participation of Project representatives at the annual TEMPUS Project Representative meeting in Brussels and the preparation of Intermediate and Final Report of the Project.

Deliverables – outputs / outcomes: 

Formation of the Steering Group

Deliverable No.: 
Type or nature of deliverable: 
Other products
Delivery Date: 
Dissemination level: 
International level