Work Package Number: WP.5 |
Work Package Type: Development |
Start (month number): 1 |
End (month number): 36 |
Duration (in months): 36 |
Description of workpackage (Max. 2000 characters): This work package will focus on establishing a mechanism for involving industry collaboration as an integral part of the developed curriculum. So, input and training from leading industry players in the partner countries will feed into the curriculum. An advisory board will be formed and Market Needs Analysis will be conducted to inform curriculum development teams about the latest technologies and trends in the industry. Industrial tutorials and case studies will developed and integrated into the developed courses and taught by industry experts for short term. For long term sustainability, staff from partner universities will be trained on the latest technologies and trends to offer these tutorials themselves. |
Deliverables – outputs / outcomes: Market Needs AnalysisDeliverable No.: D5.1 Type or nature of deliverable: Report Language: English Delivery Date: 15/07/2013 Dissemination level: Local/Regional level |